Year Ome (2)

Cihuateteoh: Decolonizing the Goddess

Enroll in the Full Year Ome (2) Series

Join the full Year Ome (2) Decolonizing the Goddess series and immerse yourself in every class offered. By enrolling in the full series, you’ll receive:

  • Access to all 12 classes in the series at a discounted bundle price - get 1 class free.

  • Recordings of previous classes to catch up on at your own pace.

Perfect for: Those committed to exploring the entire journey and unlocking deeper insights into the Goddess archetypes.

One time
For 2 weeks

Take Individual Year Ome (2) Classes

Interested in learning about a specific Goddess? Choose individual classes that speak to your curiosity or spiritual path.

Each individual class offers:

  • A standalone exploration of a specific Goddess or theme.

  • Resources and practices to take into your own spiritual journey.

Perfect for: Those seeking flexibility or looking to explore certain topics without committing to the entire series.

  • Itztlacoliuhqui, The Frost Deity

    Our January Cihuateteoh class focuses on Itztlacoliuhqui, the Frost Deity who symbolizes the stillness of winter—a sacred time for reflection, introspection, and preparation. Join us in exploring how the frost invites us to pause, turn inward, and ready ourselves for cycles of renewal and growth.

  • Ixnextli, ash-covered face

    Our February Cihuateteo class focuses on Ixnextli, the ash-covered face symbolizing psychic perception and intuitive insight. This divine energy encourages us to sharpen our divinatory abilities, using our intuitive vision to connect with hidden realms and subtle truths. Join us as we explore how Ixnextli guides us in awakening our inner vision and deepening our spiritual awareness.